Wednesday, 29 October 2008

New marketing trick is being used by atheists to brainwash less bright

Atheists love to announce to everyone that their credo is on a par with any scientifically proven assertion. Recently, I have noticed that some of them adopted a new way of deceiving agnostics and theists (and, in most cases, I am sure, also themselves) into believing that Atheism is not based on belief. Since it was impossible for them (or anyone else for that matter) to prove their claim that "there's no god" they modified it and now you can hear and read everywhere (e.g. on some buses in the UK) that "there's probably no god". This way they try to avoid the necessity of confronting the fact described in my previous post, where I explained that Atheism is, without doubt, based purely on belief (like any other religion - be it (in alphabetical order ;) ) Christianity, Islam or Judaism).

Are atheists right? Is their new claim any more "scientific" than the previous one? No.

What did they confuse this time?

They abused the word "probably". Since no one can calculate (or even estimate) the probability of (non-)existence of god their use of this word, from the scientific point of view, is invalid. In other words, both their statements are basically the same as "probably" just does not mean anything when (ab)used this way.

So what do I think about the new atheist campaign in the UK? Is it silly? Certainly... but will it be successful? I expect that a crowd of new atheist converts will soon mushroom in Britain. It is a shame that such a primitive trick will wreck havoc among weaker minds.

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