Remains of a tiny fraction of ~2,000,000 victims massacred by an atheist regime led by Pol Pot. |
Let us start...
When one asks a question "Does God exist?", one will get the following answers from the following different categories of people:
Theist: Yes.
Agnostic: I don't know.
Atheist: No.
Let p represent the statement "God does exist.". Here are the statements made by our actors:
Theist: p
Agnostic: p v ~p
Atheist: ~p
Agnostic's statement (p v ~p) is a tautology and, as such, is always true. The other two are not tautologies and, before any of them can become anything more than just a mere hypothesis, must be proven. Since neither Theist (p) or Atheist (~p) can prove their hypothesis, neither of them can be called a fact. Everyone who still maintains that one of these hypotheses is true, is nothing more, than a believer. This is an unquestionable fact and anyone who tries to fool you into thinking otherwise is denying the laws of Logic and, as such, should be called either a fool or a charlatan.
Q.E.D. ;)
Actually, let me share one more thing with you. Here is a definition of religion by a titan of modern anthropology, professor Clifford Geertz, who studied religion and defined it as a "system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic.". Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Communism, Islam, Judaism - they all have something in common: each of them is a religion. Two of them are different from the others in one respect though - the followers of those two usually do not like to admit that they are part of a religion… probably because religion is just opium for the masses and nowadays everyone wants to be special ;).
Actually, let me share one more thing with you. Here is a definition of religion by a titan of modern anthropology, professor Clifford Geertz, who studied religion and defined it as a "system of symbols which acts to establish powerful, pervasive, and long-lasting moods and motivations in men by formulating conceptions of a general order of existence and clothing these conceptions with such an aura of factuality that the moods and motivations seem uniquely realistic.". Atheism, Buddhism, Christianity, Communism, Islam, Judaism - they all have something in common: each of them is a religion. Two of them are different from the others in one respect though - the followers of those two usually do not like to admit that they are part of a religion… probably because religion is just opium for the masses and nowadays everyone wants to be special ;).